Well, since the last post, we have been busy, busy. We've tried to keep ourselves entertained while stuck in the house during these cold winter months...we've been staying away from crowded places since Connor is still very young so we've been more cooped up than usual...lots of coloring, play-dough and stickers to keep the 2 year-old somewhat entertained...can't wait for warmer weather!
Ella is a bit whiny these days and has the typical tantrums that come with the age, but she is still so fun to be around...she loves to help out with baby, "Tonnor" as she calls him, and likes to bring us diapers and wipes and push him in his swing. Ella loves to read books and her favorite these days is "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" which we have read 100 times already. Dressing and undressing is also a popular activity and several times I have found her naked in her crib after her nap! We still go to her little "Mommy and Me" school once a week and playgroup once a week which she loves.
Connor is drooling like crazy and I will bet he will have a tooth or two in a month or so...he still sleeps great at night...going to bed around 9 or 10 and sleeping until 3-ish and back down until 7 or 8!! Love it. He is still colicky and sometimes screams for hours in the evening before settling down and sleeping, but it seems to be getting better...I've cut dairy out of my diet which may be helping also...still spits-up after every feeding and is still on reflux meds....next month the pediatrician said we may want to start rice cereal which may help the reflux...we will see..
Happy Winter...can't wait for Spring! :)