Wow...where has that time gone? Sloooow down! Time is moving so fast and our baby boy is 6 months old! LOVE this age-he is full of smiles...all day long. He loves his big sister and laughs when you tickle him...he sits up on his own...and grabs at toys...he eats babyfood(loves peas and sweet potatoes)...still only naps in the carseat or stroller (despite my best efforts)...and still wakes up twice a night...loves to be held
6 months is such a fun age...still that adorable and innocent baby, but interacting with us so much more each day...
Here are the 6 month stats:
2 teeth on bottom
20 lbs 3 oz!! 95th percentile
26 1/4 inches-75th percentile for height
Didn't even cry when he got his 2 shots at the dr.!
WE LOVE YOU, CONNOR DAVID!! Can't wait for the next 6 months with you!