Ella turned 15 months! Hard to believe. She had her 15 month check-up today. She is perfectly healthy. She weighed in at 24lbs. 7 oz. and is just over 31 inches. That means she has gained 17 pounds since birth and has grown 10 inches! Getting to be a big girl. She is into everything-walking/running, climbing onto chairs and steps and is just constantly on the go! She has several "words"...mama, dada, Sadie, doggie, baby, didi (binky), ball, and go. She is turning into a little girl and we are enjoying every second! Although she has started having a few little tantrums...
Happy 15 months Ella! She is so cute. I can't wait for all of the cousins to get together again! I wonder if anyone is planning the next Dallas reunion??? This August will be 5 years, won't it?
And thanks for the clothes heading our way. Lord knows we need some. She is growing SO fast!
Love from the west coast...
Stacie, Brian and Abby
Oh Hope! It's like Christmas in January! We just got the box of clothes. Thank you so much. We will put ALL of it to good use, that's for sure. It's funny, I was so excited to buy clothes for Abby, but with the exception of 1 pair of jeans and some pjs, I have bought NOTHING. We have been blessed with a closet full of hand-me-downs and are so appreciative of it. I can't wait to put her in some of these summer clothes. I hope you don't mind me "posting" a thank you. I am so behind, I still owe some October thank you's, not to mention the one I owe your Dad for the gorgeous little music box. I figured this was the fastest way to get a big "thank you" your way.
Love and hugs...
Stacie, Brian and Abby
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