Monday, May 11, 2009

18 months Old!

Okay, so Ella is actually almost 19 months old!! How crazy is that? I haven't blogged in a very looong time. Bad me. Ella is a busy girl these days and so are we!

These days Ella...

Walks, runs,jumps and claps on command!
She says many words..."mama, dada, doggie, baba(bottle), cup, cookie, Emma, Sadie, baby, up, didi (pacifier-her most favorite possession), ball and I am sure even more than I can think of right now!

She loves her bath time, being outside, animals of any kind, riding in her wagon and playing with her dolls.

She knows several body parts and can point to them...nose, mouth, teeth, feet, toes, ears, eyes, tummy and hands.

Loves her cousins and other kids. She also loves music and books-her favorite these days is, Moo, Baa, La, La, La.

And, biggest news of all these days is that Ella is going to be a big sister! Baby #2is coming on or around November 10th. We are very excited and feel very blessed to be expecting a new baby!

Pictures to follow once I can find the cord to my camera to connect it to the computer...

1 comment:

Its A Corny Life... said...

Oh, Hope! I am SOOOOOO excited for you. Congratulations on baby #2! Will you find out the gender early or wait until the big day? And speaking of the big day...your due date is the same as Madison and Abby's was. Something tells me you will get a lot closer to yours than I did!

Again, congratulations! And yay for Ella turning 19 months old! She's beautiful!
