Wednesday, December 2, 2009

November Update!!

Okay, so I have been TERRIBLE about updating and we are SO busy these days, so I am going to shoot for a once a month update so I don't feel overwhelmed, but I may update more if I can find the time!!

November brought...

NEW BABY CONNOR DAVID!! Born on 11/3 (my late mom's birthday-yay!!) at 5:20 p.m.. Labor was WAAAY better this time around-still labor, but much shorter and the pain medicine worked, our doula was awesome and Connor arrived in 3 short pushes of under 10 minutes...!
He weighed in at 8.6 and 21 inches...he's growing like a weed already and is up to 10.4. He's already had his first cold which had me in a panic, but he seems like he's handling it fine (went back to dr. today) and I just tell myself he's building up his immune system!

Ella has had a difficult time adjusting...terrible 2's have also hit hard with many "no's" and temper tantrums throughout the day!
I have felt guilty, overwhelmed, sad, and frustrated with caring for two little people totally dependent on me all day and night, but also very happy that we have two healthy kids and I know in time we will all settle into a routine!

Connor has been sleeping well so far-feed him at 10:30 and then around 2:30 and 4:30 and sleep until 7-ish then I have to get up no matter what since Ella is up!
We are tired, but so thankful that he is here and healthy!

Here are a few pics and I'll post more soon...Ella is awake from her nap...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall is here, birthday parties and countdown to baby...

Wow, we are busy! October is here and we are busy, busy everyday...with me working 2 mornings a week, mommy and me school, playgroup, library storytime and errands we have busy, busy weeks...but we love it. I am not a good one to just be at home all the time and even though running around is crazy at times I like it the way it is...

Ella and Ava celebrated their 2nd birthday early this month with our families and friends...we decided to do a party early in the month since the end of the month is busy with Halloween and the baby being due in less than 30 days from now!! Yikes! Soon we will be a family of four!

This pregnancy has flown by...I guess that's what happens when a 2 year-old is at home with you! Well, I should go rest while I can, but here are a few pictures from the big party and a couple from everyday life here...

Friday, August 28, 2009

It's been a long time...

Whoa...a long time has passed since my last blog entry...sorry! We have been busy around here. I am 28 weeks pregnant and moving slowly these days...

Summer has been fun and gone too fast. We've spent Wednesday's at Ella's CT grandparents house...going to the beach and park, playing in the sprinkler and we even took a trip to a children's museum. All the cousins play together and the adults try and live through the noise...

Ella is a busy, busy girl these days. Her vocabulary is growing every day and she now has too many words to even count...she loves dogs and babies and always loves to look at books.

We also spent a hot week with Ella's cousins in VT. Ella was grumpy a lot of the week (not like her...)and we suspect it was due to her molars coming in....despite her being very clingy and only wanting me, we had a fun time.

At Ella's 21-month check-up (at the end of July!!) she weighed in at 27 pounds and is 36" tall! 75% for both height and weight...

A few pictures from the past two months...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009


So, it's supposedly summer here, but it has rained everyday for the last few weeks off and on. We have kept busy despite the weather and Ella continues to grow and learn more and more each day. She loves books right now and loves to read Growing Vegetable Soup about ten times a day. So, today we went to the library and picked out a few new books for Mommy and Daddy's sake!
Ella is quite silly these days and loves to play with other kids.I work doing Early Intervention 2 mornings a week and Ella goes to her cousins house which she loves! I have fond memories of playing with our cousins as kids and I hope Ella will too.
Here are a few pictures from the past month or so...

Monday, May 11, 2009

18 months Old!

Okay, so Ella is actually almost 19 months old!! How crazy is that? I haven't blogged in a very looong time. Bad me. Ella is a busy girl these days and so are we!

These days Ella...

Walks, runs,jumps and claps on command!
She says many words..."mama, dada, doggie, baba(bottle), cup, cookie, Emma, Sadie, baby, up, didi (pacifier-her most favorite possession), ball and I am sure even more than I can think of right now!

She loves her bath time, being outside, animals of any kind, riding in her wagon and playing with her dolls.

She knows several body parts and can point to them...nose, mouth, teeth, feet, toes, ears, eyes, tummy and hands.

Loves her cousins and other kids. She also loves music and books-her favorite these days is, Moo, Baa, La, La, La.

And, biggest news of all these days is that Ella is going to be a big sister! Baby #2is coming on or around November 10th. We are very excited and feel very blessed to be expecting a new baby!

Pictures to follow once I can find the cord to my camera to connect it to the computer...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ella's Fashion Show

Ella already likes to pick out her own clothes. We are in trouble! She also loves to wear hats and shoes at all times in the house. Typical for an almost 18-month-old I am sure, but some of the outfits just crack us up!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

What a Difference A Year Makes...

This picture was taken exactly one year ago today-Ella was almost 4 months old. Now she is a full-blown toddler! I miss the baby days, but she is so fun these days-we love her so much and are so blessed to have a happy, healthy baby/toddler!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, January 23, 2009

15 Months!


Ella turned 15 months! Hard to believe. She had her 15 month check-up today. She is perfectly healthy. She weighed in at 24lbs. 7 oz. and is just over 31 inches. That means she has gained 17 pounds since birth and has grown 10 inches! Getting to be a big girl. She is into everything-walking/running, climbing onto chairs and steps and is just constantly on the go! She has several "words"...mama, dada, Sadie, doggie, baby, didi (binky), ball, and go. She is turning into a little girl and we are enjoying every second! Although she has started having a few little tantrums...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009


We had a great holiday all together. We spent Christmas Eve and the following day at Ella's grandparents. Christmas Eve afternoon we went and saw Santa arrive on an antique firetruck. Ella was sleepy, but was very excited when Santa gave her a cute puppet. That evening we had a quiet night and went to midnight Mass (well, Ella stayed home with Grandpa and Auntie and slept). The next morning Ella was so surprised that Santa had come and he left her lots of great gifts! She LOVED her kitchen that Daddy made and her Bitty Baby doll and cute clothes from her Aunties. Ella's CT cousins came over mid-morning and all the kids had fun opening gifts and playing. We had a great day and we are so grateful that we all could be together and are healthy.