Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Seems like Spring has finally was 80 today! We spent the afternoon at the park with a few of Ella's friends from school. Her good

friend from school played and played and ran around and now everyone is waaaay overtired!

We had a nice Easter at my Dad and Leigh's complete with an egg hunt and lots of food. Nanny and Bubba came for an overnight visit which was nice and Ella gave her "dee dees" to the Easter bunny/dee dee fairy....first night went fine with the promise of a treat, but subsequent nights haven't gone so smoothly...this will pass, right?!
Here are a few more pictures, sorry about the poor quality of some...iPhone pictures!

Coloring together!

Leaving "dee dees" for fairy

Baskets and new dress for Bitty

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fun day at library (Connor was overdue for nap) here they are outside the library smelling the flowers...

Dyeing Easter eggs

Drawing with chalk at Jake's house

What's that face?!

Carrying C-man

Sleepy guy after a busy day!