Thursday, May 17, 2012

Connor is 2 and a half

Our little guy is two and a half! He has gone from toddler to "big" boy these days...*sniff*

He is all boy-loves trucks and monster trucks,tractors, motorcycles, trains, climbing and getting dirty!

Still loves snuggles from mama and daddy.

Loves his big sister and asks for her when she's at school.

Sleeps better these days-waking up rarely in the middle of the night-sleeps until about 7 am each day.

Wears 3T clothes and just moved to a size 6 diaper. Planning on working on potty training this summer. Little interest in the potty.

Loves to climb on everything!

Eats lots of different foods-loves all fruit, most veggies, especially carrots, cucumbers and broccoli.Loves yogurt and cheese.

We adore our "little guy"!

( This is how I found him one day when I had just been in the bathroom for one minute!!)


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Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hard to believe Ella will soon be done with her second year of preschool. She loves it and has learned so much. They do a lot with geography and the other day she was looking through a bird book and she told me a certain bird lives in Maine-she was right! She saw the outline of Maine on the page-I was very impressed-she was very proud of herself! She's turned into quite the little girl( not toddler....sniff...)-loves to color-can write "mom", " dad", "Connor"(more like "Coonner",!!) and "love" She identifies several sight words and loves to read books. Still loves her dolls-current favorite is "baby Jenna". Ballet recital is coming up in just a few weeks-she'll be " Belle" from Beauty and the Beast.

At Earth Day festival in Newtown

Easter at Grandpa's house

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