Monday, March 7, 2011

Connor at 16 Months

Connor is a busy boy these days... he loves to climb everything, eat anything, loves, loves, loves backhoes, trucks, cars and tractors. Points and grunts at everything he wants...says Ella, Mama, Dada, ball, stop and no...
I love spending time with my little guy (all 25 pounds!)...he's a real snugglebunny...
Here's a recent picture from one of our "dates" we had at Starbucks while Ella was at school... I had coffee and Connor had a milk...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Its A Corny Life... said...

Seriously? 25lbs at 16 months? Lilly (who was 9 weeks early, mind you) was 26lbs at 14 months! Man my kids are giant sized. Nonetheless, he looks great and I love that you had a date with him at Starbucks. Now...when are you coming to CA for a visit?